
Using the magic of horses to provide positive outcomes for veterans through collaboration

Equine Empowered Therapy (EET) is a fully certified 501(c)(3) charitable corporation designed for veterans who are experiencing difficulty reintegrating into civilian life.

EET utilizes natural horsemanship and rescued horses to provide programs that achieve personal growth and success, education, vocational training, and relief from PTS in Southern California.

E.E.T. is free to all veterans.


Find out about our organization, mission, methods, and results.

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The Beacon Memorial

Click the button below to learn more about the life of Jim Smith, or to make a donation in his honor.

“EET has made such a phenomenal impact on my life, to put it into words moves me to tears. To think that the generosity of one man and his organization changed my life forever is overwhelming. I’m not sure how it happened or why me, but I shared my dreams and goals and they believed in me, supported me, and made them a reality. I am forever grateful”
— Cari S.
“Equine Empowered Therapy has saved my life.
EET gives me a purpose and life worth living.
Being a part of EET has changed my life to feel again and to trust myself.”
— LaNita M
“EET ‘jump started’ my life and got me back on the path to healing. I regained confidence, trust and the will to live through my experiences with the horses and people. Since then I have been able to finish my VA disability compensation, enter graduate school, rebuild myself physically and emotionally and have learned how to trust again. It was an invaluable experience that no clinical setting could ever have achieved.”
— Michelle S.

Find a program that’s right for you

EET’s Blind Veteran Program is sponsored by DVNF